Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hello World!

Hello World Wide Web! It's me, Alex Kratz. Yes, Internet, you're right it has been a minute. Since leaving journalism in November 2013 and becoming a high school English teacher, I've largely limited my public presence to the occasional Twitter or Instagram scroll. But now, I don't know, maybe it's the global pandemic or the lack of social interaction outside of my wife and kids and cat. Or maybe, during these tumultuous, possibly even apocalyptic, times, it's simply a deep, burning desire to re-enter the public conversation, which is almost solely being conducted online.

Whatever the reason, baby, I'm back!

Not quite sure what this project is going to end being, but we'll figure it out as we go. I know I want to talk about writing: the craft, the process, the struggle, the inspiration. Also on the agenda: parenting, happiness, politics, sports, cooking, exercise and, of course, humor! I'll keep it mostly kid-friendly because I want this to be accessible to my students. But beware the occasional curse word as they can be devastatingly effective placed in just the right fucking context. Unlike what I just did right there. Which brings me to another focus of this blog: mistakes. There will be many. 

(Right on cue: Thunder and Lightning strikes outside my window here in Nyack, NY! Ominous and exciting!)

And that's my first post. Stay tuned.